The Meaning of Heaven
Heaven is not a perfect paradise.

Image by Vlad Ymyr from Pixabay
Preliminary Comments
Our English word, ‘heave’, is a verb derived from the Old English word, ‘hebban’, meaning ‘to lift, raise; lift up, exalt’. Our English word, ‘heaven’, is a noun derived from the Old English word, ‘heofon’, meaning ‘the visible sky, firmament’, although Christians later changed the definition of heofon to include their belief that heofon was the ‘home of God’.
Heaven didn’t originally mean ‘perfect paradise’; rather, heaven meant the imperfect world to which we are heaved, lifted up, raised, or exalted when our mortal bodies die. Only with the advent of Christianity was the meaning of heaven distorted so that it came to mean ‘the perfect paradise’.
When our bodies die, we are instinctively heaved to heaven by God’s use of Its Will in us and the large uncondensed energy forms (the ‘luefs’) we inhabit. We will live in Heaven continually and immediately, just as we live continually and immediately on earth. Even while we are living on earth, we are living in Heaven, because the earth and the rest of the infinite Universe exist in Heaven.
We do not, and cannot, live in eternal time and the Now because eternal time and the Now are false concepts. I refer you to my essay, ‘The Realism of Immediate Continuity’, for a better understanding of the truth that there is only Immediate Continuity, not eternal time in the Now.
Mythical Realms and the Non-mythical Godist Realm
My meaning of Heaven (with a capital ‘H’) is the imperfect reality in which human gods, fairy gods, angel gods, dog gods, dolphin gods, whale gods, and the gods inhabiting all other animal bodies exist. Gods whose mortal animal bodies have died continue on to exist, live, and have life in their immortal animal large uncondensed energy forms (‘luefs’). We gods inhabit these immortal animal luefs in the various mythical realms and the non-mythical realm existing in unbounded Energy (Heaven).
All of the realms or worlds of Heaven are based on a delusional foundation or premise that we need rulers with power over other gods so that they can force other gods to do their bidding. Rulers try to gain more and more power over other gods so that they can use their power over them to satisfy their own needs by forcing these other gods to submit to their neurotic and psychopathic desires. Only in the non-mythical Godist realm are there coordinators who seek to satisfy the needs of all.
I call the realm of these coordinators ‘The Godist Heaven’ which is an imperfect realm, not a perfect paradise. The gods who live in this realm understand that only the instinctive expression of Its unconditioned attitude of love by the Source (God) is perfect. These gods are realistic because they realize that they prefer love as the unconditioned attitude of the Source which they are always attempting to introject and project; however, the gods inhabiting luefs in The Godist Heaven realize that their introjecting and projecting of God’s unconditioned attitude of love will always be imperfect because their temperaments will always have fear as a potential emotion which could stimulate their unconditioned attitude of hate to actualize so that they would be tempted to introject and project this attitude with — or instead of — God’s unconditioned attitude of love. There are no perfect realms or perfect paradises because gods (souls or psyches) are not perfect nor can they become perfect.
The mythical realms are called heavens, underworlds, or the Otherworld. The non-mythical realm of the Godists is also called a ‘heaven’. The Otherworld is the fairyland of the Celts which is composed of the Welsh Annwn Kingdom, the Irish Sidhe Kingdom, the Unseelie Kingdom, and the Sellie Kingdom. The Christian mythical realm is composed of the Christian heaven which is related to its underworld with its various regions of hell, Tartarus, and purgatory. As you can see, the Christians borrowed heavily from the Greek underworld to structure their own underworld. The Greek underworld was composed of Tartarus, the Elysian Fields, the Fields of Mourning, and the Asphodel Meadows.
The various mythical realms and the non-mythical realm of Heaven are evolved and grown by the Source. The Source instinctively uses Its Will in Heaven to evolve and grow the various mythical realms of Heaven which are in discord with the instincts of the Source because the religious desires of the gods of each mythical realm are based on their delusional premises of predeterminism, determinism, or compatibilism which these gods take to be their ultimate ‘Truth’ or ‘Axiom’. The Source also instinctively uses Its Will in Heaven to evolve and grow the non-mythical realm (‘The Godist Heaven’ of Heaven) which is in accord with the instincts of the Source because the religious needs of the gods are based on their realistic ultimate Truth or Axiom of libertarianism.
Unlike the various mythical realms of Heaven and the non-mythical Godist realm of Heaven where the gods influence the Will of the Cosmos (God) in Its development of these realms, the various particles, planets, and stars that compose the infinite physical Universe are only instinctively evolved and grown from Heaven (unbounded Energy) by the Cosmos. The gods cannot influence the continual evolution and growth of the Universe or its continual devolution and deterioration; however, the gods can influence the evolution, growth, devolution, and deterioration of their heavens, their underworlds, and their Otherworld.
The Evolution and Growth of Mythical Realms and the Non-mythical Godist Realm
The mythical realms are instinctively evolved and grown by the Source from Heaven because the Source instinctively uses Its Will within the gods so that their invented myths are imaged as mythical realms. These realms are real, but they are based on delusional beliefs, which is why they are mythical realms, not the non-mythical realms, like the Godist realm.
The false delusional beliefs of the gods which the gods cling to when they are inventing their myths are psychic laws, ethics (the study of morality), creation, and bounded space-time. The Godist Heaven is founded on the real truths of psychic needs, conscientology, invention, and unbounded Space which is why The Godist Heaven is a non-mythical heaven, not a mythical heaven.
The mythical realms are illusory realms because they are based on the delusional hypotheses of psychic laws, ethics, creation, and bounded space-time. A realm is illusory because the gods who live in their illusory realm spread false tales about their mythical realm to the gods who inhabit earth and interact with the gods of these mythical realms.
I will give four examples of the false tales spread by unwise gods.
My first example:
Zeus and his pantheon of gods claim that they can take physical form and have intercourse with humans which is an outrageous lie because incarnation is impossible.
My second example:
Christians claim Jesus not only incarnated in his human body, but also resurrected his body after it had been killed on the cross at Calvary. Jesus did not incarnate in the evolving spermatozoon and egg in Mary’s womb because Jesus did not exist before he was developed by the Source in the spermatozoon and egg that the Source was merging together to become the single-celled zygote in which Jesus would start his existence. And Jesus could not resurrect his body because he could not begin his dead body’s metabolic processes again.
My third example:
The angels of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim-Baha’i mythical realm claim to have been created in the Creator’s heaven when the truth is that they inhabited physical bodies on a planet of the Universe before their bodies died. Angels all entered the mythical realm of Yahweh (Allah) in luefs to become gods in this realm, but only after their physical bodies had died.
My fourth example:
Fairies lie about how some of them are able to shape-shift. Many people have swallowed this lie; however, fairies cannot alter their large uncondensed energy forms because their large uncondensed energy forms are merely copies of the physical bodies they inhabited before these physical bodies died. Consequently, fairies cannot shift their large uncondensed energy forms into different forms than the form which is the copy of their old physical body.
Christian Politics and the Apolitical Godist
A Godist is apolitical because a Godist has no desire to be crafty, sly, or cunning when he or she is being realistic. Unfortunately, most of the human gods on our planet have been influenced by the false tales of gods in their mythical realms so that they believe they have to be crafty, sly, and cunning with each other.
For example, intolerant Christians believe in the false tale that anyone who founds a new religion is an ‘evil’ Antichrist.
The intolerant Christian political agenda is to label the founders of new religions ‘evil Antichrists’ so that they will turn all established religions against the founder of this new religion. The irony is that these intolerant Christians want to destroy the mythical realms of all established religions other than their own so that these realms fall under the sway of the Christian underworld. Of course, these realms have not really fallen under the sway of the Christian underworld. Christians just tell the lie that these realms are located there. Just as Christians told the lie that the Celtic Otherworld is a region of the Christian hell, Christians may tell the lie that The Godist Heaven is a region of the Christian hell. They may convince the gullible that Godists are all ‘evil’ by labeling them Antichrists.
Like Christians, the gullible gods fail to realize that evil is a misinterpretation of badness. The gullible gods fail to realize that there is only relative badness, not absolute Badness (evil), just as they fail to realize that God, the Source, is absolutely Good, while the gods can only be relatively good. Evil is impossible because there is only one absolute Source. Godists realize that the Source is absolutely Good because they realize that the Source cannot experience the emotion of fear and, thus, the unconditioned attitude of hate.
The Source is unable to express hate absolutely so that Its expression of hate would be evil. The Source cannot express hate at all because the Source cannot fear so that the Source would be tempted to instinctively express an unconditioned attitude of hate. And the gods cannot rid their temperaments of the potential to love which is why their expression of hate cannot be absolute; therefore, their unconditioned attitude of hate cannot be their absolute Badness or evil.
Because our democracies have their Constitutions developed by followers of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim-Baha’i myths, our democratic institutions of administration are used by the Judeo-Christian-Muslim-Bahai administrators to discriminate against all other religions, especially newly developing religions, because Yahweh is a god who has as his agenda the complete domination of other gods by exerting his influential power over them, i.e., his authority.
Earth is not a mythical realm because gods cannot use God’s Will to evolve, grow, devolve or deteriorate any planets of the infinite Universe. But the societies of earth are organized on the basis of mythology. Even atheistic societies, like communist countries, organize their societies on the basis of the myth that we are mortal and that there is no Source instinctively using Its Will in unbounded Energy (Heaven) to continually evolve, grow, devolve, and deteriorate the Universe.
The Gods Inhabiting the Mythical Realms and the Non-mythical Realm
The gods inhabiting the mythical realms are all more insane (malevolent) than they are sane (benevolent) because they believe that their mythical realms must have a hierarchy of rulers with a supreme ruler at the head of their hierarchy. They base their mythical realms on authority, duty, and obligation, rather than on expertise, need, and conscience. Their policy, ‘Laws are right,’ is their attempt to justify their authoritarian rule by might.
These insane gods fail to understand the truth which is, ‘Needs are appropriate.’ Godists use the adage, ‘Needs are appropriate,’ in their efforts to help other gods habilitate or enable their own abilities so that they can act and behave in accord with their needs and their sane desires, while de-potentiating their insane desires.
Godists inhabiting their luefs in their non-mythical realm are all saner than they are insane because they know that their non-mythical realm is best developed by having a hierarchy of coordinators whose status is related to their expertise in understanding how to excel at improvising in accord with their needs. They are able to satisfy their own needs as well as the needs of others above and below them in the hierarchy of coordination without inventing laws by which to administer their actions and behaviours.
The gods of The Godist Heaven (the non-mythical realm) are not enchanted by the glamour of delusional beliefs, such as psychic laws, ethics, creation, and bounded space-time. These beliefs cannot be used by insane gods to cast spells on Godists because Godists have learned to dispel these beliefs in their own understanding. Godists are protected from enchantment by their knowledge that only psychic needs, conscientology, invention, and unbounded Space are real, not psychic laws, ethics, creation, and bounded space-time.
Godists also understand that some irresponsible authoritarian gods try to dominate other gods by claiming that only they are gods, while also claiming that the other gods are not gods, but are only souls.
For example, the species of fairies called the Tuatha dé Danann convinced the other fairies that they were gods, while also convincing the other fairies that these other fairies were only souls. Ironically, many fairies have not yet clued into the fact that the word, ‘souls’, is a synonym for the word, ‘gods’; therefore, these fairies fail to understand that they are all gods or souls, but ‘the cat’ is currently ‘out of the bag’, because I’m sure some fairies have heard me saying that souls are gods and gods are souls.
We Cannot Escape Our Need to Occasionally or Frequently Suffer
The Source is able to perfectly express Its unconditioned attitude of love because the Source cannot hate; however, the Source is imperfect in the Way It uses Its Will as It is perfectly expressing Its unconditioned attitude of love because the Source is not wise. Although the Source has a need for wisdom, It cannot fulfill this need because It has no ability to know, no ability to think, and no ability to reason. Consequently, the Source can only instinctively evolve and grow imperfect non-animal and animal luefs and non-animal and animal physical bodies as well as only instinctively develop imperfect gods to inhabit their mortal animal physical bodies and their immortal animal luefs.
The Source cannot evolve and grow a totally safe Universe or a totally safe Heaven because Its use of Its Will is imperfect. Because we cannot be totally safe, we will always have the temptation to mistakenly fear psychological conflicts so that we experience disharmony in our supernatures (our psychological worlds), mistakenly fear psychological hurts from irritation to our immortal luefs so that we experience insecurity in our supernatures, and mistakenly fear psychological pains from harm to our mortal bodies so that we experience discomfort in our supernatures, that is, until our mortal bodies die and we are permanently released from them. Consequently, if we are wise (enlightened), we will only occasionally suffer from our mistake of fearing; however, if we are stupid (endarkened), we will frequently suffer from our mistake of fearing.
A wise understanding of the Source as the Cosmos which merges Heaven as well as the Universe with It can help you to minimize the mistakes you will inevitably make as an imperfect god; however, you cannot avoid making mistakes because omniscience (being all-knowing and all-knowledgeable) is impossible. Omniscience is impossible for us because we cannot concurrently be everywhere, like the Source. And the Source cannot be omniscient, despite being everywhere, because the Source has no abilities to know, think, and reason.
Mistakes have to happen because you can only guide your use of God’s Will, not control your use of God’s Will. You are absolutely free in your guidance of God’s Will which means that your guidance of God’s Will in your knowing, thinking, and reasoning is always improvised, even if you delusionally believe that you are controlling your knowing, thinking, and reasoning by supposedly using laws to do so.
You cannot perfect your use of your abilities. Nor is the Source capable of perfecting your abilities. Thus, the Christian dream that Jesus will give all Christians who believe in him a perfect human ‘nature’ is simply their delusion.
Perfection is a wish of irresponsible gods who want to be protected by a Big-Daddy-in-the-sky. Unfortunately for them, only the Source Exists, not a Big-Daddy-in-the-sky. The Source cannot protect us because the Source has no ability to know; therefore, the Source cannot know that we exist or that It Exists so that It would know to protect us from psychological conflicts, hurts, and pains. The Source only instinctively, not deliberately, uses Its Will. Consequently, the Source cannot deliberately use Its Will to protect us from psychological conflicts, hurts, and pains.
There is no Big-Daddy-in-the-sky who supposedly controls our fate and destiny. We are absolutely free, not fated or destined, which is why we will always make mistakes that will result in our suffering from psychological conflicts, hurts, and pains.
Until a god accepts that it will always make mistakes, this god will be trapped by the glamour of psychic laws, ethics, creation, and space-time which enchant his knowing, thinking, and reasoning. These enchantments lead this god to make its biggest mistake which is its belief in the delusion that its Big-Daddy-in-the-sky can make it perfect. Such a god will irresponsibly attack any god who threatens its delusion of ‘immanent perfection’ because this god fails to understand that the meaning of Heaven is not ‘the perfect paradise’, but is the imperfect reality in which imperfect realms exist.
The Godist Heaven is simply the sanest of these imperfect realms because the gods who live there are more sane than they are insane, while the gods of the other imperfect realms are more insane than they are sane.
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